Welcome to the middle path

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Sporadic photos and notes from a Psyche-midwife, cheerleader, anthropologist--aka clinical social worker in therapy practice. Photos are usually mine except for those of historical events/famous people. Music relevant to the daily topic is often included in a web video embedded below the blog. Click on highlighted links in the copy to get to source or supplemental material. For contact information, see my website @ janasvoboda.com or click on the button to the right below. Join in the conversation.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

January 15th Challenge: Channelled Poems


Today, ask your muse to make contact with another poet, living or dead, and write a poem in their style.  Psuedo-cummings?  Ersatz Suess?  Fake Frost?  Give it a go.

For super-bonus points, write a poem meta-channelling--  Mary Oliver in Shakespeare style, or Billy Collins as voiced by Poe.

PS:   I found out at least one reason why the comment section is tricky--it's hard to find on some browsers. To  post your entries,  to post there, look BELOW each blog and click the tiny "comment" link. 


Kiesa Kay said...

the demolition of these spaces in the shroud
teethmarks on a slick flat cloud

climbing the mountain hand in fist
you me and the morning mist we leap
from dewdrop to daisy to dusk
wine and moon shines through us

To make a blazing star
It takes one lightning bug
and a jar
The jar alone will do
when I'm with you

Don't put that bug in a jar!
He'll suffocate!
What is the matter with you children!
Bugs have feelings too.
Watch out. And leave the wings
on that butterfly!
When are your parents coming home?

I am the flea at the lip of the otter.
I am the book that refused to be tattered.
I am the monkey the matron the other.
I have been many a sweet cowgirl
and I shall be many an eater of doughnuts
licking sugar from your lips

speck said...

(with apologies to Rainer Maria Rilke)

Thou, Rose, whose coral ephemerality
belies the lasting sentiment of thy cloying scent--
must forever linger in thine own memory,
thine own desecration,
hallmark'd into servitude of false holy days
not of thine own making (thou,
whose blowsy blooms mark but days),
but of the banal exhortations of those
valentinarians who cannot let love languish.

speck said...

(sorry, e.e. cummings)

pity this skinny scarecrow, womankind

not. Anorexia is a serious disease:
your image (fotoshopped front and behind)

fucks with the vulnerability of her realbeauty
--pixels deify one cheekbone
into a statuette; bodyparts isolated
unconnected from soulless whichwhat to unthat desiring only sex.
A desire of sight
is not a love of womanborn---pity this face

and starvation, poor skeleton goddess, but never this hyperdigital

airbrush, adobe and art. We women feel

a tragic layout if---hey: there's a great
new wine bar down the street, let's talk.

speck said...

(oops, here it is without typos)

pity this skinny scarecrow, womanunkind,

not. Anorexia is a serious disease:
your image (fotoshopped front and behind)

fucks with the vulnerability of her realbeauty
--pixels deify one cheekbone
into a statuette; bodyparts isolated
unconnected from soulless whichwhat to unthat desiring only sex.
A desire of sight
is not a love of womanborn---pity this face

and starvation, poor skeleton goddess, but never this hyperdigital

airbrush, adobe and art. We women feel

a tragic layout if---hey: there's a great
new wine bar down the street, let's talk.