"Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop." Ovid OK, I admit, this is sort of a cheat. Not that much different from the resolution on
REST. I also admit that I am exercising my already well established imperfection by giving up on getting thirty of these in thirty days. It was worth a try... But meanwhile, about that relaxing... I'm going to argue (in a really relaxed way) that it's a bit different than resting. I'm not that great at sitting still. Sometimes I relax best by shutting up my chattering monkey via occupying another channel, say by writing limericks or doing a crossword. Walking in the woods always works. This time of year in the Wet North West, strolling the streets and checking out the rambunctious growth of mosses and lichens is a good salve for my soul. Listening to music, writing a short story, folding laundry--I'm easily entertained when I am relaxing. What works for you?
Great website:
Take Back Your Time. They are even more relaxed about deadlines than me, considering they are still talking about the October 2009 celebration.
Quote for the day: "For fast acting relief, try slowing down." Lily Tomlin
Today's song:
You Can Close Your Eyes, James Taylor tune as covered by William Fitzsimmons
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