Learn anything new Sunday? I learned a bit of Portuguese, a t shirt folding technique, and that the Oulu neutron counts are currently very high (no worries unless you are an astronaut in outer space). The Portuguese was happenstance-- for some odd reason my facebook page switched to it as a home language, and it took me a while to figure out how to get it back to English. If it's a prank, it was pretty harmless. I happened to have a Portuguese primer and just went with it a while.
But soon it's Monday, and if you're like me, you're going to be going back to work after a couple of days off, so let's take it easy.
Today's challenge is to engage in a relaxing activity of your choice for at least 15 minutes. It could be a mineral salt bath or sauna, a bit of guided imagery or meditation, reading something pleasant, having a nice cup of tea. Whatever suits your fancy. Give yourself a little time to let yourself be. Learning how to relax is an excellent health skill.
Enjoy and see you Tuesday,
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