Today's challenge is easy*: take a walk.
It would be great if you can take a real long ramble. But it's hump day, so do what you can. Park a little further away than usual. Or walk to work, or lunch, or down the hall to speak to a coworker rather than instant-messaging or emailing them.
The benefits of walking are multitude: environmental, psychological, physical. Walking soothes the soul; note how animals in a zoo and humans in a stressful situation pace. The alternating movements of the limbs encourages cross-communication in the brain and is, in a way, like being rocked.
We can see more when we walk, especially if we put away the mobile devices. We have a chance to interact with people, nature, and the human environment.
Let me know what happens for you.
*p.s. There are some people I know who can't walk. Rolling works. Or dance in your bed. If nothing else, dream a walk with your beautiful brain.
From a 2010 blog

Ten good reasons to walk, by Wendy Bumgardner. Live longer, lose weight, prevent diabetes, and more. "
you have worn out your shoes, the strength of the shoe leather has
passed into the fiber of your body. I measure your health by the number
of shoes and hats and clothes you have worn out". --Ralph Waldo Emerson
And there's also
1. Time to think. "Thoughts come clearly while one walks". --Thomas Mann
2. Savings in time and money: See the math here.
3. Carbon load reduction: Each gallon of gas used equals 19.5 lbs of carbon dioxide emissions according to US Department of Energy.
4. A chance to observe things you would otherwise never see. "In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." --John Muir
5. Community building: chat up your neighbors, get to know your town.
See you 'round the block--
A walk! Delightful! PupPup enjoys this challenge the most of all so far and says, "BowWOW thank you BowWOW!"
Dogs are great excuses to walk. <3
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