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Sporadic photos and notes from a Psyche-midwife, cheerleader, anthropologist--aka clinical social worker in therapy practice. Photos are usually mine except for those of historical events/famous people. Music relevant to the daily topic is often included in a web video embedded below the blog. Click on highlighted links in the copy to get to source or supplemental material. For contact information, see my website @ janasvoboda.com or click on the button to the right below. Join in the conversation.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Tiny Resolutions January 10th : Eat Healthy for Optimum Health (Guest Blogger!)

Today's guest post is graciously provided by Wanda Garret Hawk, Dietary Manager at Trillium Family Services.  She's also a nature lover and photographer.  Thank you, Wanda.  Want to be a guest blogger?  E me your posts, pictures, quote and video link so we can get our 31 resolutions in this month.--JLS
photo by Wanda Garret Haak
Today's quote: “Let it be known that of course I often do not practice what I preach, but rather preach what I want to be practicing." --Jana Svoboda

Of course we all know what we should eat, but often don’t. We buy the right food items and sometimes they sit and rot in the vegetable compartment without being touched. I really hate that. And as I often complain regarding the USDA new food regs for children, “They can’t get any nutrition from it if they won’t eat it.”

The food industries allure on us of all the over-processed so-called food items on the market today may be one of the hardest things that our 21st century brains are NOT designed to resist. “Resistance is futile” once again...

not for eating, but a tasty pic by Wanda nonetheless
But perhaps if we make a resolution to eat more of the healthy fruits and vegetables that God has provided for us, we can try to counteract some of the bad. My husband brings home many flavors of chips all the time and I tell him that these are all poison, and he smiles as he sees me grab a bowl of them anyway. At least I have trained him NOT to bring home the deadliest “Cheetos” that were once my nemesis. I have said so many times that I hate them (even though its not true) that he finally has stopped buying them. Whew! that was hard; but I still find many others throughout the house. If I can hide them in the pantry before they attack me, I have accomplished a small victory. Out of sight, out of mind. But he still believes that he cannot have Lunch without them; every single day...

That being said, organic fruits and vegetables, legumes, grains, low fat dairy, and lean meats (unless you are vegetarian) should be the diet of choice to keep us at our healthy-best; don’t forget plenty of water. And we know that we should eliminate or lower our consumption of sugar, fats and salt. We all know how hard this is to accomplish, but it’s worth fighting for! And it is the fight against ourselves more than anything else that seems the hardest. And remember that if we can eat healthy, we just might feel better over all for Optimum Health. 

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