Ed note: Liz lives in England with her hubby and cats, and long-distance dotes on her two sons, one of whom stayed with us a few days as he transitioned to his study abroad year at Oregon State University. Thanks to the lousy state of the world economy, Liz has been reinventing herself on a regular basis. Here she shares a few literary pals who helped her on the way. --jls
The gently
nudge from Jana suggesting that I might offer a challenge to her wide ranging
friends gave me a scared feeling. This in turn – with the approaching
deadline of 31st – pushed me to give it a try.
the years I’ve experienced, I realize, a lot of things that other people may
find scary.
I gave up my
job to return to Education as a mature student, to gain an Education Degree in
Youth and Community Studies. I’ve traveled alone, had children when some folk
are starting to have grand children, moved around the UK – and now am on my
third redundancy (Ed. note: that's Brit for"layoff").
So I should be able to write up a small challenge to a group of very friendly
challenge is quite simple – it’s to read (or listen to if you have Audible)
some fiction books I have chosen – which to some degree have influenced me and,
how I look at the universe. Even if you have
read these previously – go back
and read again – I always find something new.
find it interesting how sometimes things, in this case a book, will come to you
at a time when it’s needed. This an uplifting read and I’ve gone back to it
several times especially when feeling down.
What did I learn? Well, it is possible to zap clouds and that if you
keep telling yourself you can't do something – you won't be able to.

There are 5 books in this trilogy by DA –
so if you enjoy the first you have a series to follow. Again I’ve read the books several times and
presently listening on Audible – which means I can do other things at the same
time: drive, go on walks etc. (but not I’ve noted, write). What did I learn?
The reason why most of the time the world doesn’t makes sense. And that films
are never as good as the books!
next is a bit off the wall:

the challenge. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
you ever get the chance, get a copy of Things
My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About by Mil
Millington (ISBN: 9780753820735). It may be English humour – but I find
it laugh out loud hilarious!
--- Liz
Reynolds, armchair philosopher, Stafford, England (1/28/15)
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