It's been four months since I last wrote here, leading Door Number Two to feel like an overdue library book I'm too embarrassed to return. But there's been a number of topics brewing, and a few dozen blogs written in my head, so let's dip in again and see how the water feels.
Sunday, if you're in the valley, I'm doing my annual sermon at the Unitarian. This summer's theme is transition, as the congregation prepares to (quite happily) welcome a new/old minister. Jill McAllister cut her teeth preaching here way back in the early 90's and is coming home after years in Kalamazoo. She's a yogi, runner, new cello player, great storyteller and harbinger of love. But change, even good and welcome change, can be scary. Some wise committee thought to prep the Corvallis UUs by asking all the summer sermonizers to talk about transition.
When I was given the topic, I thought I'd use the birth metaphor as the frame for my talk. I use it a lot with clients going through big changes. If you've had a baby you know what transition means. It's the point in labor that is often referred to as "intense", a mild way of saying it would not be surprising if during it one's head turned completely around ala "The Exorcist". It's bloody hard. And part of what's hard about it is that things are neither here nor there, especially for the baby, which is at that point slamming against the cervix. Baby is not in the comfort of the womb, or in the comfort of the mama's arms. Baby is in a tight, dark space that is really, really uncomfortable. And Baby (I'm guessing here) doesn't have a clue of the goodness awaiting. Or the new unknown discomforts.
We've all been in that place of discomfort. Neither here nor there, like before a wedding, a move, a new job. We've left the familiar behind, or want to. And even if the familiar is, pardon the vernacular, shit-- well, it's known, predictable shit. Sometimes we stay in the before place for that very reason, way too long. But even when we ready ourselves to make the Big Move to what we hope we want, we get scared. And sometimes paralyzed.

Then we have a choice. We can numb the discomfort when it gets to an intolerable level. We go unconscious in some way so we don't feel the burn anymore. It's there, but it's like a spinal block in a labor. With no discomfort, many women lose the urge to push. The birthing process can come to a standstill. Often, outside intervention (say, pitocin-- a contraction stimulant) is needed to get things moving along.
If the paralysis is more self-directed, that outside intervention can be a long time coming. If we do a good enough job of numbing, we don't feel our pain directly, so we are slow to respond to the need for something new to emerge. We get stuck. And then we get new sorts of pain, some of which seem more manageable or direct-able or at least more predictable than the uncertainty and discomfort that was leading us to change.
The other choice is to give birth. Give birth to a new way of being in the world, of seeing ourselves, of being in relationship or in some instances being alone. We don't yet know how this new way will be, and that's frightening. We are good at telling ourselves scary stories about how things will turn out, and about our lack of ability to cope.

Yes, it's hell in the hallways. So we keep going. To do that effectively, we don't deny our fear, and we don't cling to it. We ask for support when needed and we are gracious in accepting it.And especially, we need to find compassion for ourselves in the journey. We need to support ourselves like we would a child or an animal in suffering-- giving comfort, and acknowledging that we cannot fully explain or even expect that everything will turn out in a certain way, but knowing that transition doesn't last forever.
Louis Adamic wrote: "My grandfather always said living is like licking honey from a thorn".
Reminds me of an old TV show I liked, Hill Street Blues. After briefing the cops on the day's horrorshow, the police sergeant would say, "Let's be careful out there". And it was clear what he meant was "I love you people. Life's hard. You have good work to do. Watch out for each other. Be safe on the way."

P.S. This may or may not be the sermon Sunday. Things change.
1 comment:
per Spencer Johnson: "Change happens when the pain of holding on becomes greater than the fear of letting go."
Most of us get coerced into change kicking and screaming, hanging onto the past by our bloody fingernails.
As to antidepressant and anxiolytic rx :really useful when a person is in so much distress they can't function in daily life but rx becomes counterproductive when the slight edge of distress which kicks our butt and gets us moving becomes numbed out and we become static and uncaring.
Hildegard Peplau the great nursing theorist aludes to this when she talks about the levels of anxiety: a little anxiety is a great motivator and pushes us to prepare well for an exam/interview so we're sharp and focused....high levels of anxiety over an extended period of time however obliterate our cognitive and physical abilities and can lead to serious emotional and spiritual decline as well.
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