I've had out-of-country company this week, so though thinking about and engaging in happiness practices (walking wetlands and beaches, dining, and roller derby), there was no blogging.
I'm still recovering. Meanwhile, check out these previous posts for quick tips on upping your level of life satisfaction. If you're a new reader or haven't seen the HAPPY documentary yet (get to the Darkside!) , some of these may be news to you. Lucky for us, happiness research has been happening for a while, and we know a few things about the non-genetic factors. They're ripe for your manipulation. Try a few and let me know the results.
Resolution #4: Thank Somebody
Resolution #5: Do Something DifferentResolution #18: Notice What's Going Well
Resolution #19: No News Is Good News
Resolution #20: More Experiences, Less Stuff
Resolution #21: SMILE!
Resolution #22: Have a Good Belly Laugh
Resolution #24: Make A Joyful Noise
Three gratitudes for today:
1) The grape Nehi smell of the purple irises my guest brought for the table
2) My sister made reservations for she and her family to visit this summer
3) Last night's long gentle rain on my neglected garden, blooming despite me
Shine on,
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